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About Jessica Freilich

I am a licensed Clinical Psychologist with more than 15 years experience. I work with adults who feel anxious, struggle with building relationships, have difficulties coping with becoming a new parent, or who are looking to heal from a recent or past trauma.

In therapy, you can build coping skills and get practical help. Difficult experiences from your past or mental health struggles in the present don't need to dictate your future. You can heal from trauma, feel less anxious and depressed, build self-esteem, improve your relationships and feel more confident as a parent. Therapy can build hope and support tangible progress. 

You can expect compassionate, genuine and non-judgmental care. I am a relational, insight-oriented therapist who will integrate different modalities, such as mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), to provide a customized approach to each individual's needs. Therapy can help you heal from trauma, transition to parenthood, become a more present parent, reduce anxiety and depression, build resilience and gain confidence. You can apply the techniques you develop in therapy to create tangible improvements in your life and develop skills for sustained well-being.  I am also licensed to practice via PSYPACT.

Please contact me to learn more. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Please complete the form below to schedule a free phone consultation or request an appointment. Appointments can be in person or virtual.  

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